Moxibustion to help turn breech babies


If your baby has settled in a bum down position you may be looking for ways to encourage them to turn head down …

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese technique to turn a breech baby – usually used at 34-36 weeks of pregnancy.

I can show you and your partner or your support person how to use moxa sticks to heat a specific point (on your little toe) which can trigger hormone changes that can help relax your uterus allowing extra ‘give‘ and increasing your babies energy to move around (Expectancy Ltd, 2020)

Evidence suggests that moxibustion has a 66% success rate which is higher then ECV.

Once I teach you and a partner how to use the moxibustion technique you will then carry on doing it at home twice a day for 5/7 days.

Moxibustion is not appropriate for everyone, so we will speak before I book you in and a confirmation of breech position from your midwife/ or from a scan is needed before we start.

DM me for more information 

#moxibustion #turningabreechbaby #breechbaby #midwifetherapist #brightonmidwife